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P.O. Box 950
Trexlertown, PA 18087
(610) 967-9097
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October's Web Page

Domestic Short Hair / Calico (short coat)  : :  Female  : :  Baby  : :  Small

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About October

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Cat
  • Rescue ID: C080471
  • General Color: Calico or Dilute Calico
  • Current Age: 16 Years 8 Months (best estimate)
  • Declawed: No
  • Housetrained: Yes
  • Reaction to New People: Friendly
October LOVES to be held and is extremely affectionate. She will follow you everywhere right on your heels. She purrs like a little motorboat. Her foster mom is going to work introducing her to other cats and dogs as she doesn't believe she really been around either in her short life of about 4-months.

October was found in a corn field by a nice woman who took her home and provided food and shelter. She feels this kitten deserves a nice indoor home as opposed to a barn. October tested negative for FeLV/FIV and was treated for worms/fleas/ticks/earmites.

Here is what her rescurer had to say: I found this VERY friendly and loving kitten while I was taking a walk with my 6-month old son and our Rottweiler, Max. The kitten must of heard us coming up the road and started talking to us. I called for it and she came out of a corn field. She walked right up to Max without a problem at first. She rubbed up against him and let him sniff her. She then put her back up and moaned at him. I was about a mile from home and couldn't help her immediately. I walked home, put the dog in the house, put my son in the car and grabbed a box. When I went back to the area where she I saw her. I called for her and within a few moments she was out of the corn again and on the road rubbing against my leg. She followed me to my car and after a few attempts I got her into the box. She was a little nervous when I picked her up, but didn't try to bite or scratch me. I took her home, put her in one of our stalls in the barn. I fed her a can of tuna and gave her some water.

She is a very, very, sweet, social, and loving kitten. She craves attention and given time probably would make a great lap cat.

Young KITTENS are always adopted in Pairs or to homes with other felines already in the home.

Click here to read why kittens are happier with a buddy!

Adopting from The Cat Shack

The Cat Shack rescue is all volunteer and the adopted cats are delivered to your home. Because we deliver the cats to you, we must restrict the adoptions of our highly adoptable cats to a 1 hour drive from the Allentown PA area. In certain situations, 'special-needs' cats, ferals and older cats will be adopted to homes at a greater distance then a 1 hour drive from Allentown PA.

The first step in adoption is to...

Fill out an on-line application:

House Cat Application | Barn Cat Application

Young KITTENS are always adopted in Pairs or to homes with other felines already in the home. Click here to read why kittens are happier with a buddy!

All cats are vaccinated, dewormed, tested and altered as part of the adoption contract. This basic care (and other vet work required to make our rescues healthy) is included in the $85 adoption donation!

Other Pictures of October (click to see larger version):
