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P.O. Box 950
Trexlertown, PA 18087
(610) 967-9097
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Animals' Home - The Cat Shack, Inc.
Animals available for Adoption: 43   Browse | List ]
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Highlighted Cats:
Foster Homes Needed Foster Homes Needed
The Cat Shack, Inc. is in dire need of foster homes. We are currently over capacity and need more foster homes. What is involved with fostering? We cover any veterinary care that may be needed, and you provide lots of love and attention. Each day so many cats and kittens are euthanized or left to fend for themselves outside. We get dozens of calls each week asking if we can help with stray cats and kittens so there are many more out there that need to be saved. We would like to help more of more about Foster Homes Needed
Babs Babs
Babs and her housemates Peggy, Lucy and Izzy are lovely 8 year old cats who lost their home through no fault of their own.  They do not need to be adopted together but Babs would love to be adopted with her brother Izzy.Babs is a beautiful and petite brown female tabby.  Babs has lost quite a few of her back teeth but this doesn't stop her from eating both dry and wet food.  On her intake exam our veterinarian noted inflammation in Bab's mouth so she is receiving medication to more about Babs